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UpLevel Leader

Church Growth Coaching

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Dear Pastor,

Welcome to "UpLevel Leader" coaching for pastors!

We help pastors reach more people, get more guests, build their team, increase their capacity, and see their church grow.

We help churches fix the 5 big problems keeping them stuck...

#1 Not enough guests and visitors...

#2 Losing people out the back door...

#3 A lack of dedicated leaders and volunteers...

#4 Not enough finances and resources to grow...

#5 A lack of discipleship and leadership development...

Fixing these issues leads to growth and momentum!

We're excited to help your church break through your next growth barrier! Please fill out the form below to get started.

Can't wait to work together!

Program Includes:

Weekly Coaching Session - Join Pastor Jake for a challenging, encouraging, and inspirational weekly coaching session. There will be a time for Q&A each week so bring your questions or email them in beforehand. You'll receive an email invite to the ZOOM session each week. The schedule is also available in the UpLevel calendar page.

Church Marketing Masterclass - 6 modules/80+ videos about how to use marketing for outreach and evangelism at your church. VALUE $1,000

Facebook Invitation System - The #1 Facebook™ ad training for churches. In this course you'll learn how to create and launch a simple Facebook invitation ad for your church. Invite your city to church in 30 minutes or less! VALUE $300

UpLevel Leader SKOOL Group (Pastor's Community) - You'll get exclusive access to the UpLevel Leader pastor's community. It contains past coaching sessions and call replays + a host of other valuable training. Like a FB group but BETTER! On the UpLevel community page you can connect with fellow pastors, ask questions, and share what's working for you at your church. It's the HUB of the program and perhaps the biggest benefit! Join a great group of growth-minded pastors and leaders.

Full Course Library - Your membership includes a library of courses including training on Facebook ads, Guest Follow Up, Discipleship Pipeline, and more available to access on our online member's platform. You'll have access as long as you're a member. VALUE $3,000+

Email/Chat Support - Have a question? Not able to make it to the weekly coaching session? No problem. Simply message us (or email) in the UpLevel community and we'll respond within 24 hours during the week or 48 hours if it's a weekend. (usually much faster!)

The 50 to 500 Growth Plan - You'll get access to our proven "50 to 500" roadmap for church growth. Learn the "9 Handholds" that your church can use to reach more people, build a stronger team, increase generosity, level up leaders, and grow! Hundreds of churches have used this plan to grow!

BONUS: - "Breaking the 100 Barrier" - As an added bonus you'll recieve access to the "Breaking 100" course taught to Uplevel Leader pastors. This course is PERFECT for churches wanting to grow past the 80-100 average attendance.

BONUS: Vision Based Generosity Plan - Learn how to massively increase the overall generosity and giving in your church with this simple step by step plan. And, learn how to cover the entire cost of the UpLevel Leader program in your first month! When you follow the plan this coaching actually pays for itself...and more!

Any Questions?

If you have any questions please reach out to me at: with the subject line "UPLEVEL" and I'll reach out to help.

If you decide to join the program use the checkout form below to receive the currently discounted rate...

NOTE: UpLevel Leader is designed as a minimum1 year coaching program. We ask you to commit to 1 year at a time in order to learn, implement, and work with our team to see best results! Because most of our members get great results and want to stay we offer a simple month to month plan that you can cancel anytime. So, there's no long time commitment or contract. We want to HELP!

Can't wait to work with you, pastor!

- Pastor Jake Schmelzer (Lead Coach) and the UpLevel Team

Hear From Others!

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What exactly is included in the program?

Everything. Yep, everything! All of our resources. Over $5,000 in courses, trainings, and workshops. Plus a weekly LIVE coaching session via ZOOM. You'll get access to our team of proven coaches to help you reach new people, build your team, increase generosity, and grow!

What if I can't make it to the live sessions?

No problem. We'll miss you of course...but every single session is recorded and promptly uploaded to our member's area so you can watch the replay.

What if I need help or have a question?

We're here to help! You can ask questions at the live sessions or send them in via email. Or better them in the group! And if you ever get stuck for any reason we'll personally help!

Is there a contract or commitment?

Nope. While we do encourage you to stick around for at least a year to get best results we don't require it. We believe in the coaching and have helped over 500 churches so far so the results speak for themselves! You can cancel anytime.

Do you offer refunds?

Because you get immediate access to ALL our resources we don't offer any refunds. Purchases are final but you can cancel your subscription anytime.

What is the real value of this program?

Great question. We don't use inflated values for our courses or coaching. This is a Christian owned and operated business and the core mission is to equip and encourage pastors! So there's no hype or marketing jargon here. The real world value of the courses you'll receive is over $5,000 based on the prices we charge or have charged in the past. The Church Marketing Masterclass is sold for $1,000 by itself. You will receive a tremendous amount of value in this program. Bottom line: the real value is in the people you reach and impact for the kingdom of God!

Another thing to consider is that similar programs for business leaders, coaches, etc are often $5,000-$10,000 (or more!). We offer this program at a fraction of that cost without lowering the quality or commitment!

Does this program really pay for itself?

Yes it does. If you follow the program and take action on the coaching we're confident you'll see enough growth to more than cover the cost!

Over the past 6 years we've seen countless churches double and even triple their attendance. Recently, a member of UpLevel grew their church from 20 people to 140 people in only 1 year in the program. That's 7X growth!

Of course, the real value of the program is the souls that will be saved and added to the church. But the financial side is important to consider which is why we coach and help you to increase generosity, fundraising, and growth in your church.

Ultimately, growth pays for itself!

I have more questions...

No problem! Email jake@jacobschmelzer any questions you have and we'll be in touch to help ASAP.

PS - We've got limited room for new pastors to join the group each month in order to keep the numbers managable and provide ther best support...

But to make it even more accessible we're currently offering a 30% reduction in our monthly rate. I know this past year has been tough financially on a lot of churches...and we want to help out!

Complete The Form Below To Get Started...



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